AzR is on the threshold of difficulties

According to EADaily, citing Azerbaijani sources, “State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan has collapsed revenues”.
In January 2024, State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ) revenues from Azeri–Chirag–Gunashli (ACG–the Azerbaijan’s largest oil block) amounted to $387.645.000, while, last January ACG revenues reached $625 million. The difference is more than obvious.

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The US and Iran are content with a proxy war for now

Over a week after the attack on the US base near the Syrian–Jordanian border, the United States finally implemented the promised “retaliation strike”.
According to the sources from CENTCOM (US Central Military Command), the US Air Force, launched three wave attack: “struck more than 85 targets in Syria and Iraq, using numerous aircraft, including long-range bombers.

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New issues in the Europe – Azerbaijan relations

In a response to statements by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell about concerns on Azerbaijan’s territorial claims to Armenia, Baku harshly criticized the European organization. On January 22, 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan stated that it “strongly rejects the unfounded accusations”.

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Why the US wants to terminate its mission in Syria

Several international media outlets, citing Foreign Policy magazine, write that the White House and the Pentagon no longer consider it appropriate to extend American contingent’s mission in Syria. It is about at least 900 American troops who, in collaboration with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – opposition to the Assad government – are allegedly fighting ISIS in this Arab republic.

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Nationalism is raising its head in Bashkortostan

The sentencing of the Bashkir activist Fail Alchinov by the Baymak city court (RF) on January 17, 2024, led to unrest in Bashkortostan. Back on April 28, 2023, Alchinov spoke at a citizen meeting near the Ishmurzino house of culture with a speech of negative content towards “Armenians, Caucasian nationalities and nationalities of Central Asia” whom he also called “kara khalik” (in Bashkirian – “black people”).

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