Hasmik Meliksetyan
In 2010–2014 studied at the Faculty of Journalism of YSU, in 2014-2016 studied under the “Caucasian Studies” Master’s Program of the Department of History of the Neighboring Countries of the Faculty of History of YSU.
In 2016–2018, she continued her education at the Tbilisi State University in the English-language “Regional Studies”, “Eurasian and Caucasian Studies” Master’s Program of the Department of International Relations of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Since 2013 she worked at the www.razm.info specialized website as an analytical journalist, then at the “Center for Public Relations and Information” (SNCO). Authored scientific articles on the Euro-Atlantic integration of Georgia, Azerbaijani propaganda.

Hasmik Meliksetyan
Norayr Dunamalyan
PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Chair of Political Science of the Russian-Armenian University (RAU). He has authored more than 15 scientific studies and articles.

Norayr Dunamalyan
Ara Marjanyan
National expert of UNDP in RA (Energetics), Energy engineer (Yerevan Polytechnic Institute, 1980). PhD in Technical Sciences (Moscow Institute of Energy, 1987), Senior Researcher (Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR, 1989).
Defended his Doctoral thesis at the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1993-94). Since 2015, an EU National Expert on Transport issues in Armenia. Since 2017, a member of EAMU expert club. Founding editor of “21rd Dar” (“21st Century”) analytical journal (2003-06). Worked as an Analyst at “Noravank” Scientific and Educational Fund, afterwards – the Deputy Director of the Fund.

Ara Marjanyan
Vahram Hovyan
In 1999–2005 studied at the Department of Political Sciences of the Faculty of International Relations of the YSU.
In 2006–2019 worked as an expert, and afterwards – as a Senior Expert at “Noravank” Scientific and Educational Fund. In 2012-2019 he was also the Secretary of the Scientific–Expert Council of “Noravank” SEF for Armenian Studies. In 2019–2021 worked as an expert at “Orbeli” Analytical-Research center. Since 2022, is working as a lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences of the ASUE.

Vahram Hovyan
Taron Hovhannisyan
In 2017 graduated from the Turkic studies department, Faculty of Oriental Studies, YSU.
Since 2014, he has worked as a Turkologist at the “Razminfo” analytical website, at the “Public Relations and Information Center” (SNCO). Lecturer at the Institute of Law and Politics of the Armenian–Russian (Slavic) University. He is the author of a number of scientific articles on the current politics of Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Taron Hovhannisyan
Arestakes Simavoryan
2008–2019 had worked at the “Noravank” Scientific and Educational Foundation under the RA Government as the Head of the Armenian Studies Center, from 2014 to 2021 – Researcher at the “Center for Regional Studies” of the RA State Administration Academy.
2019–2021 worked as a Senior Expert of the Analytical Service Department of the “Public Relations and Information Center” of the RA Prime Minister’s Office. 2021–2022 Chief Archivist of the “Research Works and International Relations Department” of the “National Archives of Armenia” SNPO. Author of more than 100 scientific–analytical articles and 12 collective monographs.

Arestakes Simavoryan
Karen Veranyan
In 1996–2003 he studied at the Arabic department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at YSU, had received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
In 2004–2018 worked at the Scientific and Educational Fund “Noravank” as a Senior Expert, since 2017 – Head of the Foundation’s Center for Political Studies. In 2018–2021 performed the duties of the Senior Expert of the “Center for public relations and information” of the RA Prime Minister’s Office. Author of more than 350 published articles, books. He is the co-author of books.

Karen Veranyan
Zhanna Vardanyan
Analyst at the “Orbely” Analytical-Research center, Postgraduate Student of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the NAS RA.
2013–2019 studied at the Department of Iranian Studies, YSU. 2016–2018 worked on the specialized Razm.info website. Since 2016, she is working at the “Public Relations and Information Center” (SNCO).

Zhanna Vardanyan
Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan
Since 2005, he has worked in various analytical centers operating in Armenia as an expert on Regional Security Issues.
2010-2018 worked at “Public Relations and Information Center” (SNCO) of RA President’s Office as a Senior Expert. Since 2015, he has been managing the “Voskanapat” Analytical Center. He is the author of three monographs, about two dozen scientific and many research-analytical articles.

Hrant Melik-Shahnazaryan
Garik Harutyunyan
Studied at the Faculties of Journalism and Oriental Studies at YSU. Worked at Razminfo specialized portal and Shant TV.

Garik Harutyunyan
Vahe Sargsyan
His scientific interests include the issues of Armenians in Georgia, including the Javakheti Armenians, Armenia-Georgia relations, and the problems of the indigenous peoples and national minorities in Georgia.
Author of a monographic study and about 35 articles.

Vahe Sargsyan
Aram Sayyan
2002 – graduated from the Department of Turkology of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the YSU. 2006 – graduated from the Department of General History of the YSU Faculty of History. In 2015, he defended his PhD dissertation. Since 2017 – Researcher at the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of the Republic of Armenia. Since 2020 – Lecturer at Gladzor University, and since 2022 also at the Russian–Armenian University (RAU). Since 2023, Research Fellow at the ONSU MoD RA. Author of a monograph and 17 articles.