Turkey “allows” Sweden into NATO

After long procedural delays, Turkey has finally given its approval for Sweden to join NATO as a full member. According to Anadolu agency on 23.01.2024, the Grand National Assembly (Parliament) of Turkey voted in favor of the relevant bill with 287 votes “for” and 55 votes “against”. The document must be sent to President R. Erdogan for his signature.

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Turkey follows Azerbaijan in escalating spy scandal

On 20.02.2024, it was reported that the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) had uncovered the activities of the French Intelligence Directorate in Turkey. As part of the MIT operation, 3 people were arrested for allegedly spying for France for a year. According to the Turkish media, one of the “spies”, Ahmet Kati, along with two others were detained by MIT and Istanbul police while trying to leave Turkish territory after being warned by French intelligence.

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